New site reveals the unexpected truth about the illegal fishing in the Western Sahara EEZ
(This site is under construction...)
Here is
the evidence based truth
about the dubious and irresponsible
business-deals with EU taxpayer´s money.
Although the EU pays Morocco 30 000 000 euros/year for the right for EU vessels to fish in the Moroccan EEZ,
More than 20 (twenty!) of the 28 EU member-states DO NOT FISH AT ALL in Moroccan EEZ.
Only 1 (one) EU member state (Spain) benefits from the fishing agreement with Morocco..
Since 2012 only 12 comparatibly small spanish vessels have been fishing in Moroccan EEZ
Their every effort are documented by their tracks since 2012-01-01.
So the "fishing fee" for Spanish fishermen is 3 000 000 euro/vessel paid by EU.
But 125 individually detected and documented vessels
have at least since 2012 illegally been fishing
in Western Sahara EEZ
78 Non-EU flagged vessels
Moroccan flagged vessels 26
Russian flagged vessels 21
Japanese flagged vessels 14
Belize flagged vessels 11
Chinese flagged vessels 6
47 EU flagged vessels
Spanish EU flagged vessels 21
Netherland EU flagged vessels 7
Lithuanian EU flagged vessels 6
Latvian EU flagged vessels 3
Portuguese EU flagged vessels 3
German EU flagged vessels 2
French EU flagged vessels 2
Danish EU flagged vessels 2
Finnish EU flagged vessel 1
Just a few examples of how the many documented vessel-tracks from illegal fishing in WS EEZ can be shown to public
(Pictures to be continued)
Here the russian trawler Atlantida neatly combing the water for fish outside WS
6 month fishing tracks made by Vikingbank. One of the 26 twenty-six! Moroccan flagged vessels that still is fishing in WS EEZ
Kinei Maru 128 IMO 9281102
One of the 14 Japanese "Longliners" that frequently fish in WS EEZ
Helen Mary 9126364 DE
Funcho 9230701 ES "Borderliner" Fishing both in Mauritania EEZ
and in WS EEZ after 2018-02-27
Subsidized Over-fishing in progress
Partly payed by the European Union
Just a few examples.
(To be continued)
Margiris IMO 8301187 Lihuania
KW 174 Annelies Ilena
(Atlantic Dawn) 9204556 NL
Simonas Daukantas IMO 8607220 LIT
Franziska/Atlas 8802997 NL/RU
This is a list covering all discovered vessels that, in violation of international law, have been documented to fish in WS EEZ since 2012-01-01
The name of each vessel and IMO number are sorted under Nation and/or flag.
The list also shows the (for the moment) 12 Spanish vessels that legally by vitue of the EU/MA fishing-agreement have been fishing in MA EEZ since 2012-01-01.
Explanatory notes:
* 12- meaning first 6 month of 2012. * -12 meaning last 6 month of 2012 etc.
* 26-feb meaning 2018-01-01 til 2018-02-26 * 27 feb meaning 2018-02-27 and after.
* (XX) Formerly detected national affiliation to Nation and/or flag